Dentro de huerto vertical Universidad Panamericana de Verde Compacto

Panamerican University creates an alliance with Verde Compacto

Panamerican University creates an alliance with Verde Compacto for the development of an indoor cultivation system that will be applied in its educational programs. This alliance seeks to offer educational programs adapted to new trends in consumption and technology. In an interview with Alejandra Areola, Director of the Food Business Management School at the Panamerican […]

Panamerican University creates an alliance with Verde Compacto Read More »

Huvster Pro and Sustainable Certifications

ENVIRONMENTAL CERTIFICATIONS: LEED AND GLOBAL GAP Why Are Environmental Certifications Important? Environmental certifications like LEED and Global GAP are increasingly essential for companies aiming to excel in sustainability and environmental responsibility. Achieving these certifications not only showcases a commitment to the planet but also enhances a company’s reputation and facilitates access to new markets. How

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Granja Vertical la salle bajío

La Salle Bajío and Verde Compacto’s Alliance

La Salle Bajío and Verde Compacto Revolutionize Agriculture La Salle Bajío has launched a Huvster container farm (vertical farm) and built a partnership with Verde Compacto, The Huvster container farm is equipped with automated vertical hydroponic technology to produce vegetables efficiently and sustainably. Discover more La Salle Bajio launches its Huvster container farm, to prepare

La Salle Bajío and Verde Compacto’s Alliance Read More »

Granja de Hidroponia Vertical en ambiente controlado, produce en 30m3 lo equivalente a 5,000.

Indoor Vertical Farming, differences with greenhouse and traditional agriculture

Growing in greenhouses or through indoor vertical farming makes food production more sustainable and efficient. However, it is important to know when it is more convenient to use a greenhouse or a vertical farm. Here, we summarize the points that can help you select the best option:

Indoor Vertical Farming, differences with greenhouse and traditional agriculture Read More »

Agricultura urbana: innovación en una crisis.

The challenge of feeding the world amid a global pandemic

By Georgina Sarabia, Agronomic Production Engineer, manager of Verde Compacto agronomic productions. Mexico and countries around the world face a new challenge: continue to supply food demand amid the global pandemic caused by the new virus known as Covid-19. In recent weeks, people of all ages, human activities and geographical coordinates have been affected in

The challenge of feeding the world amid a global pandemic Read More »

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